Home FUNNY DOG'S 15 Unusual animal names that represent these 15 super cute animals…

15 Unusual animal names that represent these 15 super cute animals…


When you get a pet for yourself, you have to name it right? Well naming your pet is not an easy task to do. You have to find a proper name that somehow reflects upon your pet, or a name that has a cute story behind it. Of course you can just go ahead and name your pet whatever you like, but wouldn’t it be cute to name your pet after their appearance, after a story they might have gone through, or after a character you think that your pet resembles? With all that being said please allow me to present you 15 super-cute animals that have the most unusual names you have ever heard:

1- Allow me to present you all Cooper… Special Agent Dale Cooper. Those eyes might look all precious, but watch out because Cooper has its eyes on you…


2- Just looking at this cat how do you think you would name it? 

Pretty close you guys, his name is actually Stache…

3- Thor here is quite a superhero. His biggest power is making people fall in love as soon as they have eye-contact.  


4- Please tell me that you, too, would totally eat Mochi up. She is quite precious. 

5- Now I understand why someone would actually name their cat Dracula. This bad boy here is totally changing the name game nowadays.


6- Don’t you dare asking me why they decided to call their dog MISTER Samuel L. Barkson. I believe that face says it all…

Samuel L Barkson

7- So they got a cute little Pug, and then they name it Poncho. Can you people please stop the cuteness because seriously I can’t handle it…


8- How would you react if you were to meet a cute little cow named Daisy Mae? I feel like I totally have a crush on her. She is just adorable… 

Daisy Mae

9- Yuki I would like to tell you that you are one little cutie… 


10- Can we stop for a moment and talk about the fact that Miso here has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen? 

11- “Hi everyone, I am Reese and I am one cute little dog. I love my family, and they love me back. I am the happiest dog alive.”


12- A 3-year old decided to name his new best friend Rescue Helicopter. The little baby has quite an imagination! 

Rescue Helicopter
13- “Found this guy hiding in my wife’s car. We named him Dipstick.” 


14- I would say that there could be no better name for a deer. Everyone this is Dancer! 

15- “Hi everyone pleased to meet you, my name is Barnaby, and this is how I like to relax!”

BarnabySource: Viralnova

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