Home DOG'S BEHAVIOR These 10 Dogs Are Actually Only Half-Listening To What You’re Saying

These 10 Dogs Are Actually Only Half-Listening To What You’re Saying


Remember that when you are telling a story to your canines, usually dogs are actually only half-listening to what you are saying. Do you ever get that feeling when you are in the middle of a story, that your friends or family are not paying attention. You just realize that they do not care at all.

Like you literally have been talking to the wall the whole time. It is so freaking annoying.
On the other hand you would think that dogs are better listeners. This is relative because not all canines are expert at hearing stories. They are as much, if not more distracted that your human friends are.

If you are wondering how it is possible to understand if your dog is following you in the discussion, just look at their gestures. Their ears make them look guilty as hell. I mean look at them, being all cute and acting like they care, when actually all they want to do is play.

“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too.” – Samuel Butler

Dogs Are Actually Only Half-Listening


#2Dogs Are Actually Only Half-Listening

#3 Dogs Are Actually Only Half-Listening

#4Dogs Are Actually Only Half-Listening

#5 Dogs Are Actually Only Half-Listening







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