Home FUNNY DOG'S 10 Hilarious Things Only Dog Owners Can Understand

10 Hilarious Things Only Dog Owners Can Understand


Things only dog owners can understand relates to the daily routine of living with your puppies. Life is so beautiful if we manage to focus on its most beautiful elements. However, living with a dog is an extraordinary experience. In such situations one learns that life offers more pleasure than we think.

When it comes to dogs, they truly are one of a kind. Great responsibility is required to care for a dog. While the relationship with the animal is where it should be, keep in mind that there are some stages that we can not avoid.

Dog owners one moment or another will go through these 10 Things Only Dog Owners Can Understand

#1 As much as we love fourth of July and all the fireworks, for some dogs is a total nightmare. They get extremely anxious due to the explosive sound of the fireworks. You better be prepared with some sedatives. 

Things Only Dog Owners Can Understand

# 2 Daily attendance at the dog park offers the opportunity to meet friends. As a result of the dog company, it happens that the owners get to know each other better.

Things Only Dog Owners Can Understand

# 3 How many of you here smell their puppies’ feet? It happens that they also like that scent. Strange huh!

Things Only Dog Owners Can Understand

# 4 Once in a lifetime, dog owners get together and perform the official dog leash untangle dance.

Things Only Dog Owners Can Understand

# 5 Well well … I bet even non dog owners are familiar with this head tilt. These are on top of the list with the cutest and most adorable things a dog does.

Things Only Dog Owners Can Understand

# 6 Treating a dog as if it were human is normal for any dog owner. While you are convinced that you have a special bond with one another, you are also well aware that he understands everything.

canine human relationship

# 7 If we’ll check a dog owners phone, chances are we would find more photos of his dog in it. Framed pictures of dogs around the house are a must for a dog owner.

canine human relationship
Adult woman photographing pet poodle with phone

# 8 Is your canine experiencing a five minute ecstatic phase. It happens for several reasons. Might be about a toy, a treat, or maybe  he’ll go for a walk and so on.

canine human relationship
Alert French Bulldog running forwards

# 9 Tell me your dog has not done this not even once …

canine human relationship

# 10 The moment you see your dog wiggle on the grass with his legs on the air. Well he found something funny that stinks. Yeah that is poop, unfortunately!

canine human relationship
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