Home DOG'S BEHAVIOR These 7 sleeping dogs have no idea what does “sleeping like a...

These 7 sleeping dogs have no idea what does “sleeping like a normal dog” mean…


Have you ever caught your weird dog sleeping in the weirdest position ever? I am talking about one of those positions that make you laugh your ass off just by watching. Well if you haven’t been able to get a proof of your sleeping dog sleeping all weird, then we have decided to share with you 7 unusual pictures of different dogs sleeping in the most bizarre positions and places you have ever seen…

1- Here we have a cute bulldog, who thought that sleeping on the dishwasher door was a great idea. I think I know why the dog decided to sleep in here though, the dishwasher was really warm, and it was truly tempting not to…

sleeping positions
2- In this next picture we see a dog who knows how to sleep in order to relax all the muscles and body parts. It is really odd watching a dog sleeping like a human, but it is not impossible… 

sleeping positions

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