Home FUNNY DOG'S Dog owners can totally relate to these 11 funny pictures

Dog owners can totally relate to these 11 funny pictures


Even though dogs can be a real pain in the ass sometimes because they don’t behave properly, we still love them. It doesn’t matter if they chew your favorite shoes, or if they ate your beautiful sofa because they are like little kids who can’t use their brain properly most of the time. For dog owners this is totally what happens in the daily basis. Our dogs might act a fool, be ridiculous, silly, or funny because they are there to make us smile right?
1- “Mommy I want these treats, and I want them all OK??” all the treats

2- “The thing is I was trying to play outside with the bees. Then one started coming towards me, and I though I got this. I ate her, but then she did this to my face. What was I thinking?” ate a bee

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