Home FUNNY DOG'S The Snowball Puppy Takes His Owner’s Pen Away Because He Just Want...

The Snowball Puppy Takes His Owner’s Pen Away Because He Just Want To Play


This cute snowball puppy is all about balance. With all the work people have to get done now days, sometime they even forget to take a break. They get so involved with what they are doing and the idea to finish it as soon as possible that they end up feeling overwhelmed.

The right think to do here is just take a break once in a while to refresh your self and brain. And this adorable pup seems to know just when the right time to do so is. In the video he distracts his owner attention from work by grabbing the pen with his teeth. It looks like he is saying:- That is enough, is time to play now!

From where I see it this is a win-win situation. The owner takes the break he needed and the pup gets to have his attention for a while. Do not miss the video below. Is way to cute!

The Snowball Puppy Takes His Owner’s Pen Away Because He Just Want To Play

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