Home FUNNY DOG'S Think You Know Dogs? These 10 Amazing Dogs BUST all the Breed...

Think You Know Dogs? These 10 Amazing Dogs BUST all the Breed Stereotypes


This is a dog’s world

We are serving some of the most amazing dogs bust all the breed stereotypes. While we are aiming to brighten up your day, we are as well hoping to give you a full idea on stereotypes.

Even though dogs belong to the same animal family, they differ from one another. When talking about dogs you have to keep in mind that they are unique and so is their behavior. We can’t really decide about a favorite breed because it is up to personal preferences. One thing is for sure, we are blessed to share our journey with them. 

husky stereotypes

In the following photos you will see some funny, yet amazing stereotypes of dog breeds. These are the stereotypes that represents each breed. If you are lucky enough to own one of the 10 dog breeds mentioned below, then you will know for sure that these illustrations are something…

Dogs Bust all the Breed Stereotypes

#1- Dachshund:

Besides being the crazy loving and loyal, this breed also has the power to make everyone happy. How do they do that?? Well why don’t you let the illustration show you…

Dogs Bust all the Breed Stereotypes

#2- Labrador: 

For all different kind of tastes, this dog breed comes in different colors. If you have a favorite color between the three, then you have the chance to choose yourself. 

Dogs Bust all the Breed Stereotypes
#3- Chihuahua:

Even though they look like teeny tiny creatures, they are fearless. They even have an angry side, which some of you would not want to see… 

Dogs Bust all the Breed Stereotypes

#4- Great Dane: 

It is true they are huge, but that is about all. They are too lazy to do anything but lay around all day long. 

Dogs Bust all the Breed Stereotypes
#5- Golden Retriever: 

They are about perfect, and there is no need we go in details about that. But this is how they feel about that: 

doggo being cute

#6- Pug: 

These little guys are just adorable, cute, and one of the best lap dog breeds you will ever come across. Not to mention they are too darn cute… 

funny puppies
#7- Corgi: 

Anyone has anything else to add?  

funny puppies

#8- Mutts: 

These guys love the idea that they are special. They are not the mainstream dog breed, but instead they are a mix of a few different breeds, and that is pretty cool. 

adorable puppy
#9- Husky: 

Yes it is true these guys have vocals and they are not joking when they start showing you their talent… 

funny dogs

#10- Pitbull 

Too friendly and lovable as long as you keep your posture. 

funny puppies


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